Thursday, March 25, 2010


Nice decolletage... Image of a Khmer apsara, garbed in skin-tight algae, from a temple complex near Siem Reap, Cambodia.Dear Gentle Reader,

It's 3WW time, again.

This week the prompt words (for prose or poetry) are brazen, hunger, and nuzzle.

...I think I know what Thom, keeper of the words for 3WW, was thinking about this week...

Your starter is a titled picture with, as always, a description if you run your mouse over the image.

Then, as usual, I serve up three haiku/senryu, each with an American Sentence title.

Sometimes the poetry is annotated, in green (sometimes heavily, sometimes not).

For dessert, a musical offering.

If you're like me, have dessert first and enjoy it while reading.

So, away.

...I have to get back to unpacking...

...And rebuilding furniture...

...And moving boxes only to move other boxes in a maddening, real-life Tower of Hanoi puzzle in Hong Kong...

We are in the midst of moving and we have too much stuff.

At least the Internet was reinstalled today...

And, with that, let the games begin with brazen, hunger, and nuzzle...

Glance, gaze, hunger; eros pants, desire trips up logic, andweleavequick

...and the night's still young...

Better than a cup of no tea is a breast with no cover; pop Zen.

Tantric zen hunger;
Zen--bra or no bra (zen-ness).
Nuzzle breasts. Or not.

I have had fun playing with (the ideas of) religions for the last few years, and am heading off, shortly, for Japan, land of Zen and Zen koans.

The Japanese, like your humble scribe, have been known to enjoy both fleeting moments and the expression of ideas regarding those moments.

From the Zen practice 'The Art of Tea' we get the famous Japanese saying "Ichi-go ichi-e" which relates to the idea that every moment is transient and that mindfulness is important as after a moment has passed it is gone forever.

Even the art of drinking tea allows a Zen adept to found schools of thought devoted to simple moments, like making or consuming tea... the Art of Tea.

After all, mindfulness allows one to find beauty and awareness in everything, even in the preparation and enjoyment of tea.

The Japanese love their tea; one Japanese proverb is that "If a man has no tea in him he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty".

In Japanese zazen philosophy, words are encumbrances to the expression of thought. The idea itself is considered central and physical experience can no longer be adequately expressed by words--or be as powerful as the ideas about that physical experience.

This is where I, sometimes, part ways with Japanese zazen philosophy.

The concept of ideas trumping experienced reality is why zazen monks extol the virtues of drinking, and savouring (in their mind), a cup of no-tea.

These monks are concentrating on the essence of tea without worrying about the minutiae of actually drinking tea.

I know that these are monks, but what would they think of sex? This is what I want to know.

So, I started wondering, as one does, and as I was playing with words for 3WW, what tantric Zen sex would be like.

Would Zen monks even need to touch?

Would they enjoy the idea of sex as much as the Zen adept enjoys his cup of no tea?

And how much enjoyment would that really provide?

Would the idea more than compensate for the actual experience?

I, Gentle Reader, know that I would never accomplish this--I like the real thing.

I know my limitations.

I would play with Zen but stay with sophistry and try to trick girls out of their bras, insisting that the Zen bra, the idea of a bra negating the need for a 'real' bra, was sufficient.

(I think that a young Plato might have appreciated this idea in the dark cave of his mind...)

And, then, I would likely leave the monastic life once I had convinced young women of the beauty of no Bra.

And that was the sole point of this particular haiku.

Much ado about nothing, some would say.

Or about everything, as I might say.

I might not be mindful of every moment, but some... well... enough said.

Every day, every hour, desire consumes, hunger wracks mind, soul, body...

Clean Hunger. Honest
greed, desire. Brazen nuzzle.
Sucks teat, milks Mom's love.



Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

The richness of your thoughts always come through your words, an poetry. Frank, playful, provoking. Always a pleasure, sir.

Andy Sewina said...

Phew, Chris, you know too much!

Brilliant as ever!!

Teresa said...

Love your ponderings on Zen bras, and Tantric no-sex. The poetry was a joy, too. I'm still giggling, or not.

Stan Ski said...

Cleverer and cleverer,

Cloudia said...

Bras become ones friends as one ages....

Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Cloudia said...

You DO know too much!

gautami tripathy said...

I like the zen-ness!

doing the undoing

Dee Martin said...

Oh my - working in a high school, all I could think was how we could promote zen-no-sex to teenagers and that made me laugh out loud. Now I'm sitting at my computer still chuckling wondering if people will walk by and wonder if I'm crazy - great post!

Thomma Lyn said...

Oh, this was so much fun! Your musings were delightful.

one more believer said...

hello chris a most enjoyable response to the prompt. skipping along in thought and prose, i too wonder at these things... life is for enjoyment every moment some to be recalled some forgotten... we all have our own way donchathink...

Richard said...

Ah, well, there's mindfulness, and there's desire. Being mindful of your desires - that's like AA's first step. I admit to being powerless over breasts, and this has, on occasion, made my life unmanageable. Such is the price one pays.

Perhaps the height is the mind-f..k, leading to 24/7 cosmic orgasm, a.k.a., the big bang. Tsk, been there, done that.

BSOB said...

hey chris, this one is a bit late but i had it on my mind for a few days and wrote it today. the lead in is on my blog:

Again we meet. Eyes. Wrists.
The pulse of our time extinct and exists.

the hour shakes,
discard a shard from your white skin,
the thin sin breaks and a weary wave wakes the angel of goodbyes.
She tries, but time has eyes and staying together,
forever lives and dies.

Steady-as-rain said...

At last something about Zen that has a (potentially) practical application!

My hats off to you sir (although my under-garments will stay where they are!)


Deeptesh said...

Beautiful n cosmic indeed!metaphysical!also drop by my place. Luv ur comments.

Barbara Martin said...

I hope you're okay, Chris, as it's been awhile since your last post.