Monday, May 4, 2009

Part VII of XII of the interregnum: Genoa's underbelly

Graffiti image of two men in space helmets and the message 'Daft Punk is playing at my house' from the old town centre of Genoa, Italy.Dear Gentle Reader,

I live in Gotham.

I might even write about that, one day. But not now.

While I am not offering written fluff, for three weeks, I am providing a pictorial view of the underbelly of cities. Today, Genoa, and pop culture.

Genoa (Genova in Italian) is a fantastic city with a rich history of conquest, exploration, and occupation. But the humble scribe has no time to write until May 18, as an e-interregnum is currently in effect as previously noted here.

So, instead, a head-level look at the popular art. And by popular art, I mean art by the populous.

By the people.

A series of graffiti shots.

Your humble scribe may add commentary after May 18. We'll see. But, till then, each picture counts as 1000 words.


Graffiti image of Hutch, from the old USA TV show 'Starsky and Hutch'... with an absurdist banana drawn instead of guns, from the old town centre of Genoa, Italy.

Graffiti image of Starsky, from the old USA TV show 'Starsky and Hutch'... with absurdist bananas drawn instead of guns, from the old town centre of Genoa, Italy.

Note the overlay on the top two images. It can't be Banksy, can it? (Is it bunk?)

And, aren't those banana guns redolent of Andy Warhol's bananas...

Someone has a keen sense of pop culture humour...

(Or maybe someone looks for meanings that aren't always there...?)

Graffiti image of a very minimal man skull, vaguely resembling a neanderthal skull, from the old town centre of Genoa, Italy.

Graffiti image of a squid underneath unknown language from the old town centre of Genoa, Italy.

Graffiti sticker image of a 'Happy Face' which is eating somebody... only the lower legs are sticking out of the mouth, from the old town centre of Genoa, Italy.

As per always,
on every post,
on this blog,

putting the mouse over the picture reveals the captions.

And these postings are all automated,

as your humble scribe will not be back until 18 May.


I will be keen

to read




to say.


Teresa said...

Love the cosmic squid of destruction and that the way to be happy is to eat people. Great captions.

Lyzzydee said...

I like looking for the little un noticed things in a city. You don't have to scratch down too far to find them. Hope you are having fun!!

Mary said...

Minimal man reminds me of Kilroy somehow??

Great post as always.

Sepiru Chris said...

Hello Teresa,

I am so pleased that you loved Cthulu,and his approach, quoted later, of how to be happy.

I am very impressed that you read the captions.

*heart beats rapidly, and strongly, with pride and gratification*

Dear Lyzzydee,

As do I. And this gives me time to get some non-e-work done, too.

Dear Mary,

Yes, minimal man reminded me of Kilroy too. I used Kilroy as a caption on a later graffiti posting that came up near the end of the series. And I completely concur with you.
